Athanasia Houvarda
Drive safely - Live your life - Allow others to live theirs

Odysseas Psounis
Traffic Police officer
Ms Athanasia Houvarda, is a confident and relaxed speaker with a positive attitude in life.
During her presentation she describes her experience, enriching her speech with recommendations and thought-provoking questions sharing her own thoughts as a young girl before and after her accident.
The students, teachers, parents and members of our team in the audience were captivated and deeply touched by her unique way of guiding them through the events of how her accident occurred.
I highly recommend Ms Houvarda for any speech related to road safety or topics about life and overcoming adversity.
Kleoniki Tiftkidou
Mathematician - Ex Banker
Listening to Mrs. Athanasia Houvarda has been one of the most rewarding experiences because she manages to make her speeches a unique experience for the audience.
Her speech was about road safety.
When she concluded her presentation, I first thought that my children should listen to her speech. And by extension, all the children of the world.
Her analogy with "drivers" and "missiles" was a success. Simply unique.

Alexandra Chisholm
BScPT, PgCPain.
I have listened to many speakers in my 34 years as a physiotherapist. Athanasia Houvarda is exceptional. She literally moved me to tears.
Her message is both inspiring and educational, yet entertaining. How can one both laugh and cry at the same time?
If you have the good fortune to listen to her speak....you will learn how.
She has made me not only a better clinician but a better person for listening to her message.
She is a hero to me.
Panagiotis Xourafas
Multiple Business Owner
Mrs. Athanasia is an Internationally renowned speaker, speaking with passion and inspiring us to see things from a different perspective so that we be motivated and also motivate our children.
The experiences she has, both at the local and international level, make her a unique speaker and even more since she is sharing her personal experience.
As we all know, the experiential experience in combination with transmissibility, speaks directly to our hearts and minds and motivates us to act.
I highly recommend Athanasia for any event, and I wish that she inspires you as much as she has inspired me to make our world a better and safer place to live in.

Foteini Vavitsa
Business & Marketing Mentor | Copywriter
The story that every driver and co-driver needs to hear before getting in the car. Ms. Athanasia Houvarda is the ideal person, to inspire people to adopt the respect and safe driving behavior we so desperately need.
Choosing to turn her personal experience into a compass of personal development that focuses on the lesson we can take from every challenge in life, conveys the realistic picture of the importance of respecting traffic rules and every other driver we come across as we drive.
Her approach has nothing to do with another educational speech.
It is an experiential experience from which each participant learns important lessons that are strongly imprinted in the subconscious that there is no other way to take them into account whenever he is in a car either as a driver or as a passenger.
Aristotle College - of Thessaloniki
On October 29, 2021, in the context of the Skills Workshops and the thematic unit "𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲", the high school students had the chance to listen to an excellent speech!
We welcomed at our school Mrs. Sofia Karakari, an officer of the Thessaloniki Traffic Police, and Ms. Houvarda Athanasia, who works with the Greek police as a road safety advocator.
She shared her own traumatic experience of a car accident in a highly inspiring and educational way. The students as well as the teachers themselves were fascinated and deeply touched by the way they were guided in the events of her accident.
The interaction they had, gave them the opportunity to think that they can use the power of their voice when needed, and they were empowered to be the change when it comes to road safety culture.

Barbara - Anne Hodge
Chair - Canadian Burn Survivors Community
Athanasia Houvarda is a dynamic and engaging speaker.
She shared her life journey as a car crash survivor and burn survivor at a virtual conference for burn survivors.
Her story is compelling and she told it with warmth and energy.
She gave our group hope; her recovery is an excellent example of overcoming many hardships, dealing with pain and changes that are not one’s choice, and she offers a shining example of how to move forward.
I would highly recommend her to any audience. She is a bright light!

Theodoros Trachanidis
Slow Tourism Consultant, MBA
I had the pleasure of listening to Athanasia Houvarda deliver her keynote speech a few times over the last few years, and each time it was a totally new experience for me.
Although I consider myself to be aware of the dangers that we are facing due to unsafe driving,
through her touching and heartfelt story, I realized that my approach was only superficial.
She has a unique way to build up the content and context of her presentation that keeps her audience alert and leaves everyone feeling motivated to adopt a safety culture.